The Eagle and the Jackdaw

The Eagle and the Jackdaw.There once was a shepherd who lived in a beautiful green valley. All day long his lambs and sheep grazed happily and grew fat with the fresh grass and beautiful sunshine.
One day an eagle swooped down and carried off a lamb in it's powerful talons.
In the meantime a jackdaw sat watching, from a nearby tree.
"I could do that! " he thought to himself.
He drew himself up to his full height and flew into the sky. He circled and swooped, just as he had seen the eagle do, and then he dived faster and faster towards the biggest sheep he could find.
The shepherd, who was watching, ran and caught the jackdaw. He clipped the bird 's wings immediately, so it could not fly away, and gave it to his children to keep as a pet.
"what do we call this bird, papa? It cannot fly! " asked the children.
"This is called a jackdaw, " said the shepherd, "But it thought itself to be an eagle! "

Moral:Do not let vanity make you think more of yourself that what you really are. 


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