The Tortoise and the Ducks

The Tortoise and the Ducks. One-day, Tortoise was sitting alone by the duck pond. He was feeling very sad and lonely. He watched the ducks as they swam, he watched the frogs as they jumped and he watched the dragonflies as they skimmed over the water.
Tortoise could only drag his feet along the ground.
The ducks, upon seeing Tortoise's frown, swam up to him and asked him what was the matter.
"You are so lucky, my friends. You can swim and waddle and even fly. I can only plod along the ground, dragging my house upon my back. You see, I've always wanted to see what the world looked like from under water or above the trees! "
The ducks quacked and nodded. This was very sad indeed. They did not like to see Tortoise this way.
They talked amongst themselves for a minute or two and then came up with a very clever idea.
"Tortoise, Tortoise! " they quacked excitedly, "we can help you fly! All you have to is hold on this stick with your mouth, whilst we hold it from either end. Then we can carry you up into sky. But you must not speak! " they warned.
"That's easy! " exclaimed Tortoise. And off they flew.
Just then, Crow flew past. "You must be the king of tortoise, If the ducks are willing to carry you into the sky! " shouted the Crow to Tortoise.
Tortoise, who felt very proud at this remark, started to reply. But just as he opened his mouth, he fell to the ground and cracked his back on the hard stones below.

Moral:Foolish curiosity and foolish pride can lead to downfall. 


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